English Tutoring: Online and In-Person

Why Should You Hire an English Tutor?

Our skilled and talented tutors will ensure you or your child get the results you wish to see. We will work with students on specific coursework from their classroom teacher, such as reviewing and critiquing an essay or increasing their reading comprehension.

A tutor can help your child learn, assess their own progress, and plan for their examinations in an effective way.

Here is how an English tutor can help your child in identifying their most appropriate learning journey:

  • A tutor can identify the student’s areas of weaknesses effectively by using pre-assessment tests and verbal discussions.
  • Tutors usually handle the needs of one student at a time and have their undivided attention. It gives them more freedom to come up with lesson plans in grammar according to the student’s assessed proficiency levels.
  • A tutor can gauge a child’s vocabulary and grammar proficiency most accurately. It’s because they tend to spend more time informally, a diagnostic test is often not enough.
  • Your child will open up more and eventually gain more confidence with the tutor. They can tell them clearly about their problem areas, which is not the case usually with the teachers at school because they have more kids to focus on.

Online English Tutoring during Covid-19

While in the past most of our services have been performed in-person, our tutors are all well equipped and trained for tutoring online, usually with video conference call visa services like Zoom. Our remote online tutoring sessions are a great way to make sure students are getting the help they need, even during a pandemic and lock-downs.

Grade Levels for English Tutoring in Toronto

Reingold Tutoring provides English tutoring services for all grade levels. To the right, you’ll see a standard guideline of science classes taken during different grade levels. This is not exact and we can help any child at any level!

  • Reading
  • Writing
  • Speaking and Listening
  • Rhyming
  • Grammar and Composition
  • Writing
  • Reading Comprehension
  • Vocabulary
  • Writing Essays (Drafting, editing, publishing)
  • Analyzing
  • Preparing for University exams
  • Literature
  • Sentence structures
  • Symbolism
  • Communication
  • Academic English
  • Writing Fiction and Non-Fiction
  • Poetry
  • Literary Criticism
  • Cultural Literature
  • Shakespeare
  • Playwriting

What Kind of Students Need an English Tutor?

So many different types of students are in need of English tutoring. Not every student learns the same as others in their grade level, so hiring an English tutor can help cater to their specific learning style. If your child wants to excel in a class but the teacher is going at a slower pace, a tutor can help guide them at the faster pace they require. Tutoring is a great way to get you or your child the undivided attention they need in order to succeed in English.

If your child has any learning difficulties or mental health challenges, this is another great reason to work with an English tutor. Overall, there is no “right” person to need a tutor – if you or your child feel extra help is needed outside of the classroom, be sure to contact us!

The Importance of an English Tutor

An English tutor takes on the responsibility of providing help to students who are struggling with reading, writing, and grammar. A good tutor is essential in order to be able to learn the student’s strengths and weaknesses when it comes to retaining information. A tutor will also help pinpoint specific skills the student may have in order to help them improve and see their full potential. 

English tutors help push students to become independent learners by focusing on how to use different study skills in order to eventually use and practice their English on their own. 

Our tutors help students set goals and explain how they can help each student reach those goals in class. We use a variety of materials and tasks to personalize lessons for each student after we grasp a sense of the techniques with which that student is most comfortable and confident learning.